Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio and Jeri Sykes.
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Peter seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- We discussed the information request regarding the Master’s Program and discussed the upcoming bargain of the on-campus Master’s Program.
- Students with disabilities were discussed and the extra work presented to faculty without compensation. Let’s get the conversation going; this is a serious issue. If we accept these students we have to have a plan to educate them.
- Jackson and Mike Scott have been contacted to participate in a panel discussion on collective bargaining and jazz educators and there is a conference in NYC on the study of collective bargaining in higher education in the spring. We will look into both and discuss further next week.
- We discussed the SEIC plan to organize the part-time faculty at BU and another conference regarding part-time faculty organizing as a Union and contracts. Wendy will be our representative at any conferences regarding part-time faculty.
- The topic of weighted ensembles was discussed. Currently, there is no compensation for extra work and charts that need to be prepared.