Union notes from Union / Management Meeting
Present – Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, David Scott, Jackson Schultz, and Jeri Sykes.
Management – Larry Simpson, Bill Whitney, Darla Hanley, Jeanine Cowan, Chris Connors, Robert Lagueux, Christopher Kandus-Fischer, Roy Murphy, Nikki Kirk.
1. Jackson opened the meeting. I want to start with Public Safety and the amazing work that Roy Murphy is doing. Mac and Roy discussed the update to Public Safety: Longwood Security used to be our security; we have switched to Securitas and are currently revamping the crisis management team. Looking at all the changes coming over the next few years with merger with BoCo, many changes to come. Patrols on campus will now be Berklee personnel – sworn in officers – and not contract security. Sworn officers have completed basic training and on-street experience (often former police officers). We are getting a Public Safety vehicle to cover more areas quicker and even transport non-medical emergency students (sick but not needing an ambulance). We are currently looking for an Emergency Management leader, a position to bring new ideas and re-vamp our current system.
2. Title IX course – why was the union not involved in setting up this course?
Larry – Berklee was cited by the office of Civil Rights in regards to Title IX, we had to get in compliance and we also wanted to include Equity as a part of the component. This course is a part of training that all employees must go through.
Jackson – you missed an opportunity to partner together and make this a joint e-mail and share this task. Our suggestion is to cancel a dept. meeting and have PT faculty paid and FT get credit for taking this course.
Larry – there was a lot of faculty engagement around the issue, this is not a design to stick it to the Union. This training is simply a part of what we need to complete as a part of becoming in compliance with law. The point is not lost on us. We will take this under advisement.
3. Faculty teaching faculty initiative – the history of this is through faculty development – the rate of $100 an hour is a stipend from faculty development. This is totally voluntary and outside the scope of the faculty contract. 50 faculty have signed up to be a part of the initiative as teachers.
4. Faculty evaluation of chairs – we will do a survey and share the results with management once we compile the data.