Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
Present – Rick Applin, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Dennis Cecere, Jeff Perry, Diane Richardson, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, Will Silvio.
- Jackson opened the meeting. We discussed the minutes from the previous meetings. Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meetings as amended. Peter seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the amended minutes.
- We discussed our meeting last week with management regarding the ADA accessibilities to the 150 building. We are going to stay on top of this topic and bring it back up with management before the Winter break. We would like to see timelines of the entire project to make sure they are moving forward.
- We have 41 new hires this fall. We looked at the numbers of PT – 58% and FT – 42% and transition contracts.
- As faculty members are accepted into the three-year transitional contract part-time faculty at the college must be used to fill their full-time jobs. We need to clarify language in the contract in the next bargain.
- Space issues in 1140 for the voice department and throughout the building will be a topic for our November union / management meeting.
- Topics for union / management meeting in the future will be grad school starting Fall 2012 on Boston campus; all faculty teaching here and abroad should be apart of our bargaining unit, and On-line courses on campus.
- Regular meeting next week, and the following week will have the Department Reps.