Union notes from Union / Management Meeting
Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Rick Applin, Charles Cassara, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Richard Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Jeff Perry, Jackson Schultz, Mike Scott, Will Silvio.
Management – Larry Simpson, Jay Kennedy, Rich Vigdor, Matt Frias.
- Larry opened the meeting. Impact of Annual Calendar shift on pay schedule for Full-Time faculty. It is important to discuss this issue now due to publishing the information.
- Rich Vigdor discussed the concept of the calendar shift. The essence is a one pay-period shift at the end of August of 2012, with two pay checks in August (8/2 and 8/16) and two pay checks in September (9/13 and 9/27) with the missing pay period on 8/30.
It has happened in the past, in 1989 and 2000 or every 11 years. It will happen again in 2022. It is an overlap of the dates to avoid a 27th payment for full-time
We discussed the option of 27 payments instead of 26. Past practice has been 20 and 26 pay dates.
27 pay periods will address the contract language to the letter, but it will make every paycheck less.
- Marti made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meetings and update the website. Jonathan seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
We discussed our options.