Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
Present – Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Peggy Codding, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio and Jeri Sykes. Guest: Teodros Kiros
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Peter seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- A faculty/union logo? Perhaps we can have a contest to create a new logo for the Berklee faculty. The winner will be awarded a $100 prize. An idea – get cups made with the logo for use water coolers?
- Martin Luther King celebration – do we want to have a Union presence? We will pursue further with Tamia Jordan who is organizing the event.
- HR, Eileen Alviti, lunch meeting regarding an upcoming faculty survey tomorrow, we will try and send a representative.
- New Title IX document that has been put together by the college has several legal issues including Weingarten Rights that we will be addressing very soon with Sr.VP/AA.
- Communication position – Wendy has been communicating with AFT national about how we can increase our public position here on campus, throughout the Boston area, etc. as we move towards the bargain next summer.
- We discussed the merger with BoCo. Maybe informal meetings with their faculty could be helpful.
- There are 35 new faculty with 5 full-time and 30 part-time.
- We discussed the current conversion process at the college.