Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
Present – Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Stephanie Reich, Wendy Rolfe, Tom Stein, Jackson Schultz, and Jeri Sykes.
- Marti made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Dennis seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- Jackson brought up the teacher in Lynn that was murdered. We would like to contribute $500 to the fund that has been set-up for her daughter. Unanimous decision to contribute $500 to the fund.
- We are scheduled to meet with BoCo faculty next week, 31 Hemenway Street, from 1-3 at the Main Stage. We discussed the tentative agreement that we have in preparation for next week.
- Update on recent faculty member grievance.
- The Steve Heck room prior to 9 am was discussed. Events have been set-up prior to 9 am infringing on a faculty space to meet.