Minutes from Union Executive Meeting 3-12-2020
Meeting: Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee
Date: March 12, 2020 at 1:00p
InAttendance: Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Peter Cokkinias, Michael Johnson, Stephanie Reich, Vanessa Morris, Mike Scott, Andrea Johnson
Call to order 1:04p.
1. Minutes
MOTION: “To approve minutes of Union Executive Committee meetings on February 27 and March 5.” (COKKINIAS)
VOTE: unanimous approval, motion carries
2. Honorarium
MOTION: “To pay an honorarium of $2,101.25 to Peg Codding for activities as a member of Union Executive Committee.” (REICH)
VOTE: unanimous approval, motion carries
3. College closing due to Covid-19
SILVIO summarized Union collaboration with Administration regarding Covid-19.
4. College response to unfounded allegations against faculty
SILVIO summarized need for College response to unfounded allegations by students against faculty.
5. Union meeting with Student Government Association
EPSTEIN and SEITZ summarized meeting with representatives of Berklee SGA to discuss best practices for interactions between faculty and students, including Title IX language on course syllabi. SILVIO noted Union will pursue greater communication on similar matters with Provost and Human Resources.
6. Review of audited financial reports
Executive Committee reviewed audited financial documents. Opportunity to discuss and ask questions ensued. D. SCOTT noted a typo: “CHARGEABLE EXPENSES” should read “NON- CHARGEABLE EXPENSES.”
7. Upcoming meetings
Executive Committee will continue to meet, via teleconference, during campus closure related to Covid-19.
8. Chair - Dean Survey
Chair - Dean Survey will be placed on hold.
Meeting adjourned 1:54p.