Berklee Faculty Union

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Union notes from Union / Management Meeting

Present – Prince Charles Alexander, Rick Applin, Charles Cassara, Peggy Codding, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, Mike Scott, Will Silvio.  

Management – Larry Simpson, Jay Kennedy, Kari Juusela, Phil Lima, Matt Marvuglio, John Eldert, Darla Hanley

  1. Larry opened the meeting.  We have a lot to get through today, so let’s get to it.
  2. Health Insurance Options – Phil Lima, we currently have two PPO options, one has 27 people, we will be shutting that one down. There will be two options for those 27 individuals, either stay with a PPO with better coverage for the same price or switch to the HMO for a cheaper price. PPO I is no longer a standard plan for BCBS, the real meaningful choice is PPO vs. HMO, there are only 27 people enrolled, and the coverage is better for PPO II. There will be extra time for people to choose HMO or PPO (4 full weeks) and we will have counseling available for those 27 individuals (Thorbahn).
  3. Wage Renegotiation Process, Mike covered the new process. Every three years, no more than, promotion within the three years will be an additional opportunity, then the three year cycle will begin again. Letter or e-mail to the chair by March 15, the chair is the designee, the chair and dean will sit together, then the SVP of AA will meet with the Deans.
  4. Student Evaluations (Mike), the numbers are lower than when we did hard copy versions. What can we do to increase the response? Jay – we are thinking of options, maybe even going back to hard copy. There is no prefect way to do this, we are working on options, we want a higher rate of return. Larry, let’s put a small group together to look at this issue, with recommendations.
  5. Snow closings (Larry) – this is a tough call, we have already missed 2.5 days early in the semester. There is no requirement for faculty to make these classes up, but you can make them up – we are looking to make more class space available 8-10 pm and on the weekends. 
  6. Next time, Faculty Office Space and On-line Course Development and Delivery.