Minutes from Union-Executive Meeting 10-08-20

Meeting:           Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee
Date:                October 8, 2020 at 1:00p, via teleconference
In Attendance:  Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Michael Johnson, Nichelle Mungo, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris, Mike Scott

Call to order 1:03p.

1. Minutes

MOTION:         “To approve minutes of the Union Executive Committee meeting on September 24, 2020 and the Union-Management meeting on October 1, 2020.” 
VOTE:              unanimous approval, motion carries

2. Non-members and core members

SILVIO asked ROLFE, D. SCOTT, and SEITZ to pursue full membership from non-members and core members.

3. Conservatory concerns

SILVIO, SHRYOCK, and MASTERS summarized administration responses to Conservatory concerns presented at Union-Management meeting.

Meeting adjourned 1:55p.

Minutes from Union-Management Meeting 10-01-20

Meeting:           Union-Management Meeting
Date:                October 1, 2020 at 1:00p, via teleconference
In Attendance:  Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Michael Johnson, Nichelle Mungo, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris
ADMINISTRATION: Larry Simpson, Eileen Alviti, Theresa Atkinson, Scott Edmiston, Darla Hanley, Maureen Hickey, Jay Kennedy, Tommy Neblett, Betsy Newman, Matthew Nicholl, Ron Savage, Michael Shinn, Andy Vores

Call to order 1:02p.

1. Back-to-campus summary

SIMPSON welcomed Maureen HICKEY as VP, Real Estate; HICKEY introduced herself; SIMPSON summarized decision to adopt a hybrid model in Spring 2021, with focus on performance and experiential activity on campus; SIMPSON reported full-time equivalency enrollment is down 17%, with highest drops in private lessons and ensembles. 

VORES summarized Conservatory’s hybrid plan, which will maintain the cohort model once intended for Fall 2020.

SIMPSON summarized potential testing protocols, expanded scheduling (i.e., 8a–10p, Monday–Saturday), and expectations for on-campus behavior (e.g., wearing masks). Final plans are likely to be released mid-October.

HICKEY discussed preliminary plans for on-campus layout: students and faculty will be separated by at least 6 feet, perhaps greater in some instances; spaces will undergo enhanced cleaning, including electro-static fogging, especially high-touch areas; janitorial staff will be increased; portable HEPA filters will be obtained. 

SILVIO asked about departments that will likely be fully remote; HANLEY said Professional Education Div. will be almost exclusively remote; NICHOLL said Professional Writing & Music Technology Div. will be mostly remote; SAVAGE said, in Professional Performance Div., Eartraining, Voice, Effortless Mastery, American Roots will be largely remote; Jazz and Gender Justice and Global Jazz institutes will schedule some on-campus ensembles; VORES summarized on-campus activities for Conservatory Departments.

NEWMAN discussed enrollment challenges, including reductions of 820 students (actual) and 925 students (FTE). ALVITI summarized accommodations for faculty; information forthcoming. 

2. Conservatory access 

VORES responded to Union list of concerns; SILVIO insisted on compensation for summer activity and equal access to technology.

Meeting adjourned 1:59p.

Minutes from Union Executive Meeting 9-24-20

Meeting:           Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee
Date:                September 24, 2020 at 1:00p, via teleconference
In Attendance:  Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Michael Johnson, Nichelle Mungo, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris, Mike Scott

GUESTS: Safiya Leslie, Ally Evans, EduArdo Omondi

Call to order 1:02p.

1. Minutes

MOTION:         “To approve minutes of Union Executive Committee meeting on September 17, 2020.” 
VOTE:              unanimous approval, motion carries

2. Student presentation

ALEXANDER introduced LESLIE, EVANS, and OMONDI, as representatives of students groups including Students of Caribbean Ancestry and Black Student Union; LESLIE summarized contents in letter to Roger Brown – including demands and proposals – regarding perspectives of Black, Caribbean and African students; significant increase in number of Black students, Black student reps on recruiting teams, resuming auditions in African nations; significant increase in number of Black faculty and staff; establish relationships with HBCUs; regular training for all students, faculty, and staff; hire a Black equity officer; LESLIE described positive response from BROWN and DEI representatives. Discussion followed.

 Meeting adjourned 1:59p.