Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
/Present –Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, Will Silvio.
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Rich seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- AFT National Report – Danny made a presentation from the conference that he, Beth, and Rich attended. Danny made a suggestion for a private school conference/symposium here at Berklee or in the Northeast. Beth made a presentation on student debt that she attended. Rich made a presentation on social media and how we could use it for our purposes and MOOCs – Massive Open On-Line Courses. We discussed all that they learned and how we can use some of these ideas in our Union.
- Jackson discussed the upcoming election and who will be running. We will be filling at least one Councilor position – Darcel Wilson and Jeri Sykes came up as possibilities. Room 401, 402 and the lobby of the BPC will be used for the election. Neil Olmstead, Wayne Ward, and Scott Free will be presiding over the election with additional representation from each division.
- Masters Program sub-group is established and will be meeting soon with a report to follow.
- Jackson represented a faculty member earlier this week regarding the Ethics Point hotline – we discussed the process and how the current policy is faulty. This is NOT a replacement for the Ombuds position, a worthy position that should be re-instituted.
- Prince Charles met with a lawyer regarding Intellectual Property rights of both on-line and at the brick and mortar college. We discussed our options; right now management is not including the Union in its plans for online learning for the Boston campus degree and diploma plans. We should meet with the lawyer and begin our own plans to address new language for this for bargaining this summer.