Union notes from Union / Management Meeting

Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Rick Applin, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Diane Richardson, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, and Will Silvio.

Management – Larry Simpson, Jay Kennedy, Bill Whitney, Kari Juusela, Darla Hanley, Matt Marvuglio, Jeanine Cowan, Amelia Koch, Chris Connors, Camille Colatosti, Mac Hisey.


  1. Jackson opened the meeting and acknowledged the ground breaking yesterday for 160. Larry passed it over to Camille.
  2. Self Study and Reaccreditation Process, Camille Colatosti – Dean of Institution Assessment and Graduate Studies. Accreditation is done by NEASC. Voluntary, self-regulated, and carried out by peer review, but very important to meet standards set by NEASC. Camille made a presentation about the process and where we are in terms of accreditation. March 3-6 of 2013 is the next visit to our campus. Valencia is also a campus to visit before the first class graduates, not sure how at this point.
  3. College's Graduate Program Proposal (Camille Colatosti). 


    Fall 2012
    MM Contemporary Studio Performance
    MM Scoring for Film, television and video games
    MA Global Entertainment and Music Business

    Fall 2013
    MM Contemporary writing and production
    MM Electronic production and design
    MM Symphonic Band Studies


    Fall 2013 

    MA Global Entertainment and Music Business
    MA Music Therapy
    MM Music Education
    MM Contemporary studio performance

  4. 150 Access/ADA Issues Update (Mac Hisey). This is a topic for after the break; tomorrow is the first meeting since our last meeting. Many options have been considered, John Eldert’s plan is the one that has the most promise at this point – expanding the 142 entrance to be more of a main entrance with an elevator that would have access to the entire building. The plan is to see drawings at our next union/management meeting. 
  5. Vocal Department Space Update (Jay Kennedy). The growth of the department has led to space issues. Slow and steady progress is being made. Room 5S has been cleared out to use for voice exclusively. Other spaces are becoming available and it will be better this spring and next fall will hopefully be even better. This is a divisional issue and not just a department issue. Progress is being made, 1140 bathroom plan is also an important topic.