Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Jackson Schultz, Danny Harrington, Will Silvio, Marti Epstein, Jonathan Holland, Rich Grudzinski, Mike Abraham, Jeri Sykes, Beth Denisch, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Dennis Cecere, Teodros Kiros, Prince Charles Alexander
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Rich seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- We discussed the list of ACI teachers. We were only given the spring teachers; we need a complete list.
- Jackson discussed Berklee’s association with Wage Works. They will cover commuting and parking costs pre-tax.
- Meeting with Jay Kennedy to discuss how the college will make up snow days. The committee discussed the current policy and whether the college will try to change it.
- Larry’s response to the Graduate program bargain: Haidee still feels we need to meet with them. However, there is nothing coming from the administration to help us understand how the program will be run. There are questions from the students being interviewed for the program; students are asking how will they get together as a group other than online? We are accepting students and we still don’t know who will be teaching in the program. Also, no one is being compensated for interviewing students.
- We discussed the upcoming election.