Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting

Present – Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio and Jeri Sykes.

  1. Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meetings. Peggy seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
  2. Danny gave a report on the conference he attended in NYC on Collective Bargaining in Higher Ed. at Hunter College. We should be attending this conference every year and maybe put together a presentation (perhaps something on the merger).
  3. Peggy and David gave reports on the AFT National conference that took place in Las Vegas last month.
  4. We have had 151 responses to the Chair evaluation survey so far. Perhaps we do the Deans next? Let’s explore the possibilities and put together specific questions: Marti, Jeri, Dennis, and Peggy.
  5. We discussed the Mass. sick leave law.
  6. The demand to bargain will be sent out by May 1 and we plan on starting full bargaining June 1 for the next contract.
  7. We discussed the possibility of putting a group together to analyze the college finances, perhaps a few members of the MB/M department with Dennis.
  8. Jackson is meeting with Larry today. Topics to include: bargaining this summer, merger committee, and meeting with the Board of Trustees again.
  9. Salary/wage renegotiation procedures have not been followed. Many faculty have not had meetings and were just given letters with the results.