Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, and Jeri Sykes. Guests – Jay Kennedy, Andrew Murphy, and Anne Peckham.
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Marti seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- Evacuation planning throughout the community. 1140 planning happening now and continuing building by building. Identifying people with the need for assistance: faculty, staff, and students. There are several issues with wheelchair evacuation assistance – an evacuation chair is available for use but the people that have been trained on it are either no longer at the college or have moved to other departments. This should be on Public Safety to deal with this – not faculty or staff. There is a lot of work to be done to get this plan up to speed and the college currently does not have an expert on ADA issues. Training is the key and it should be happening soon. Create a plan and share the info ASAP.
What about using BENS to communicate with everyone about plans, or at least communicating about the importance of the drill the week of an intended drill?