Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Stephanie Reich, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, and Jeri Sykes.
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Peggy seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- Clarification from last week on meetings in Liberal Arts – five meetings this semester, one is FT only.
- Meeting for BoCo faculty at Main Stage in 31 Hemenway, Thursday October 12, 1-3 to discuss the contract negotiations last summer.
- The Graduate sub-committee will be re-convened again in preparation for the bargain next summer.
- A few BoCo faculty are teaching overloads – we are working on compensation for them.
- We discussed the CORI check process and the “consent form” at the college. The consent form comes from a third-party vendor and we will check into further.
- An attempted robbery in the 1140 building was discussed. We will discuss with management next week.
- We discussed the use of the Steve Heck room before 9 am.
- 403b fees were discussed.