Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting

Present –Peggy Codding, Peter Cockiness, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Helen Lewis, Denise Pons, Stephanie Reich, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Will Silvio, Michael Johnson, Wendy Rolfe, Ani Johnson, Tom Stein

  1. Danny made a motion to approve the minutes, Peter seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the minutes.

  2. The contract was approved 404 in favor, 11 against. The Union needs to find ways to increase faculty participation.

  3. Jackson discussed the college’s peer review and goes over numbers brought in by Andrew.

  4. We discussed setting up an online chat room.

  5. Student services are now housed in the Fenway building and are not accessible. Faculty with disabilities cannot take students over to student service if needed. We need to take a stand on this. Also, funding for lab assistant Wayne Percy has ended.

  6. There are concerns about the lack of confidentiality on the student early alert system.

  7. Wendy made a motion to have members of the Counseling Center and Bill Whitney come to a Union/Management meeting to discuss access.

  8. Some students are being given the impression that if they get special accommodation from the college that they do not have to do the work.