Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting

Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Danny Harrington, Helen Lewis, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Stephanie Reich, Wendy Rolfe, Tom Stein, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Elizabeth Seitz, Will Silvio, Denise Pons, and Jeri Sykes.

  1. Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Denise seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
  2. We discussed a meeting for faculty to be trained on sexual harassment in a specific division. If faculty decline they are being brought to the dean to communicate the reason. Jackson will research and get back to us.    
  3. Jackson submitted our proposal for contract language regarding the sexual harassment policy and fraternization policy.
  4. Active shooter training will be taking place but the admin does not want to pay part-timers. We will research further.
  5. We discussed Public Safety and their reach into our classrooms concerning students and/or alums on campus.
  6. The budget was discussed at length. Margaret made a motion to accept the budget as presented by Jeff and the vote was unanimous to accept the budget.
  7. We discussed BoCo; bargaining last summer and how to get more faculty involved.