Minutes From Union Executive Meeting 12-10-20

Meeting:           Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee

Date:                December 10, 2020 at 1:00p, via Zoom

In Attendance:  Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Marti Epstein, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Michael Johnson, Nichelle Mungo, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris, Mike Scott

Call to order 1:05p.

1. Minutes

MOTION:         “To approve minutes of the Union Executive Committee meeting on November 19, 2020 and the Union-Management meeting on December 3, 2020.” (EPSTEIN)
VOTE:              unanimous approval, motion carries

2. Resignation

SILVIO read letter announcing UEC resignation from Peggy Codding. 

3. Budget amendment

MOTION:         “To amendment to FY21 budget to include $500 increase to Gifts & Donations.” (SHRYOCK)
VOTE:              unanimous approval, motion carries

4. 23-unit compromise

SILVIO summarized discussion with Larry Simpson, in which they agreed tentatively to a modified minimum workload guarantee for part-time faculty with a 3-year contract: these individuals will be paid for no fewer than 23 units for Academic Year 2020–21. D. SCOTT asked about impact; SHRYOCK summarized preliminary analysis that informed compromise terms; discussion followed.

MOTION:         “To accept compromise on guaranteed minimum workload of no fewer than 23-units in Academic 2020-2021 for part-time faculty with a 3-year contract.” (SHRYOCK)
SECOND:         (SEITZ)
VOTE:              8 yes, 1 no, 3 abstain; motion carries

Meeting adjourned 1:59p.