Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio.
- Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meetings and update the website. Peter seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
- We had a recent grievance denied at the Dean level, we will continue to pursue at the SVP level.
- We submitted the information request for sabbatical proposals for the last five years and the sabbaticals that were approved – we think they have been going down since they started building the new building. Last year 15 out of 20 were accepted; this year only 5 out of 20 were accepted. We will look further back to see the trends.
- Another information request was submitted for all faculty teaching on-line courses to the on-campus students at the college. Getting students to participate on-line has been a challenge in some courses. An on-line extension school degree will be started in 2014. In the past there were correspondence courses, these are similar but on-line, Music Production and Music Business are the degrees, more info will be at www.berkleemusic.com/onlinedegrees
- Department Reps – we discussed the faculty members that have agreed to be reps, we still need reps, if you are interested please contact Will Silvio in the Union Office.
- Recent changes in the facilities – all the overhead projectors have been taken out in favor of the ELMO. They should have communicated with faculty a little better. They are currently in transition classroom facilities requested a 1.2 million upgrade and were only approved for 30k. We will bring this up at our next meeting with management next week.
- NEASC is coming March 3-6 to meet with various departments including the Union Executive Committee, or our representatives.
- Management has made the request to work with the Union regarding sexual harassment training with faculty and throughout the college. We need to look at both educating faculty on sexual harassment and fraternization and also protecting faculty from false accusations from students. We would like to avoid the corporate consultant presentation in favor of other avenues; perhaps we can involve the faculty more.
- Convention in San Diego March 7th-10th. Danny, Beth, Marti, and Rich are interested in going.
- Masters program, admissions, and scholarships are also on topic for our Management meeting next week.