Music in Solidarity
/Art by Charles Pyle, donated to National Labor Federation (2000)
This fall the Berklee Faculty Union provided music for the annual volunteer celebration of an all-volunteer organization called the Eastern Service Workers Association. The ESWA has been around for 40 years. It is a free and voluntary membership association run by and for Boston's service workers, temporary, domestic and other low-income workers and their families. They pay no salaries and they do great work in Boston for the working poor. It’s like a union for people who can’t unionize.
The BFU sent a trio of Rebecca Cline on piano, Dave Clark on bass, and Bertram Lehmann on drums. From Dawn, “The dinner was one of our best ever in large part due to the fantastic, very enjoyable music. It was perfect! Thank you for offering to help.”
If you are interested in learning more about the ESWA, call them at (617) 265-9200
BFU members Rebecca Cline, Dave Clark, and Bertram Lehmann performing at the ESWA event