Emergency Response Guide


by David Scott, Councilor-at-large

Last week, as a part of our monthly Union/Management meeting, we had a visit from Andrew Murphy, Berklee’s emergency manager. We had a good discussion (I would say “robust” but I think the Provost might hold the copyright on that word), regarding the training of faculty and staff to cope with emergencies that might arise. Natural disasters, fire, and violence can emerge without warning.

The administration has their homework in front of them, and we are hopeful that emergency preparedness will improve in the coming year.

One thing that all faculty, staff and students can do today is to look through Berklee’s Emergency Response Guide https://www.berklee.edu/public-safety/emergency-response-guide

The website is quite informative and should be read by all. Of course, this is no substitute for more in-depth training, but every little bit helps as we strive to improve our own safety and the safety of our colleagues and students.

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