Attend commencement for the students

by Peggy Codding, Professional Education Division Representative
Professor, Liberal Arts


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am writing to ask you to participate with me in the Berklee graduation this year. (Please read on!) I continue to make this a priority to the benefit of the students and their families. I feel that my being there is an expression of the relationship that I have with this community. My participation, in cap and gown, is a visual affirmation and acknowledgment of the student/faculty experience at Berklee.

Additionally, I always appreciate the collegiality of our being with together before the graduation ceremony. It reminds me that I am a part of a broader picture, and an educational effort larger than myself.

I hope that you will consider participating in graduation this year. If it’s been awhile, please give it a shot. There will be positive changes happening this year. Please come and contribute to them. Thanks for your time.

Peg Codding
AFT Union Representative
Professional Education Division

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