Welcome! ... and Thanks
/Photo by Marcus Wöckel from Pexels
Today marks the start of a new term for officers, representatives, and councilors of the Berklee Faculty Union. In addition to familiar faces, the Union Executive Committee welcomes new individuals: Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Michael Johnson, and Paul Masters. Other members will take on new duties and responsibilities, including incoming President Will Silvio, who brings nearly two decades of Union experience to his new position.
Sincere and many thanks are due to those whose term recently ended. As President, Jackson Schultz led the Union for eight years. Tirelessly, he defended faculty and faculty rights while also overseeing the integration of Conservatory faculty. Executive Vice President Danny Harrington enhanced every Union activity with wisdom born of experience. His unwavering attention to faculty morale will also be missed. Significantly, Jackson and Danny are both founding members of the Union. Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Perry’s attentiveness to detail and even-keeled demeanor ensured that the Union sailed smoothly for many years. We are also grateful for the many and varied contributions of Theater Division Representative Helen Lewis and Councilors Margaret McAllister, Tom Stein, and Jeri Sykes.
And to all Berklee faculty, we send every best wish for a pleasant and productive semester!