Minutes from All Faculty Meeting
/UEC Present – Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Peggy Codding, Peter Cokkinias, Beth Denisch, Marti Epstein, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio.
- Welcome, Roger’s state of the College Forum. Jackson pointed out the lack of faculty mentioned during his address.
- Fraternization Policy. Jackson passed out a copy of the policy and discussed. Please read or download from our website.
- We discussed the graduate programs and on-line teaching.
- Filing of 2 ULP (you out there are the Union’s watch dog)
- Limiting Department meetings to 4
- Raising class minimums to 7 from 3 or 4 (40 classes cancelled)
- We will be sending out a notice of elections taking place this spring, Tom McGah and Neil Olmstead have again agreed to organize the process.
- 150 Mass Ave. is in serious violation of ADA issues, they are moving forward.
- Jeff Perry presented the 2012-2013 proposed budget:
- FY12 Actual to Budget comparison
- Present Budget and increased stipends
- Because the stipends are in our Constitution and Bylaws, we will be voting to amend the Constitution and Bylaws to reflect the new stipends should they be approved.
- Questions were raised about the budget. Lawyers and arbitrations; we have a lawyer provided by AFT but we hire an additional lawyer for bargaining. The faculty has grown by 25% since 2003 when stipends were last raised.
- Vote by secret ballot. Jackson asked volunteers from those in attendance to count the ballots (overseen by Will Silvio). Peggy Codding moved to vote on the proposed budget, Daryl Katz seconded, and the ballots were handed out. Jeri Sykes and Kevin McCluskey counted the votes. The budget passed with a vote of 75 yes and 4 no.
- We adjourned the meeting