Minutes from Summer Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Beth Denisch, Danny Harrington, Jeff Perry, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz.
- Jackson opened the meeting. There is nothing we can do at this point, but we will have 6 weeks once school starts to file any grievances. The grievance timeline starts once we get back to school. If we are flooded with grievances we will all need to be grievance officers. PC will be on sabbatical this semester. The ULP timeline may be 6 weeks or 6 months. They are tightening up the ship when it involves the faculty but not their salaries. They cut back in all aspects of the college except their salaries!
- The scheduling of classes and loss of classes could be targeting specific people we are not sure all that are being affected.
- We need to wait til we come back to really see what is happening. We could set up a vote of no-confidence petition in the administration and have faculty sign electronically. There will be NO demonstration at opening day. This is too soon to use this weapon.
- We discussed the IT concept and think about hiring a very part-time person that is NOT affiliated with Berklee to do more tech stuff: alternate e-mails, website, discussion groups, etc.
- Larry wants to meet after Labor Day, either Tuesday or Wednesday, later the better.