Minutes from Summer Executive Committee Meeting
/Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Beth Denisch, Rich Grudzinski, Danny Harrington, Jonathan Holland, Teodros Kiros, Jeff Perry, Jackson Schultz, Will Silvio.
- Jackson opened the meeting. We discussed the on-line class issue from the previous meeting. We should get an idea of creating a proposal to present to management sooner rather than later. We discussed the Berkleemusic model of royalties for the author. Another layer, qualitatively is this the right model for Berklee? Let’s reach out to on-line Berklee courses; to get a sense of how things are going, does it work? Management already has arrangements with some faculty and we need to protect them and try to address the future issues. Let’s meet with the smaller group to create a clear focus to present management. Dan Thompson and Pat Pattison are people that want their classes on-campus, on-line. We should meet with them about their issues.
- We discussed the immigration/job offer to a prospective teacher. Our obligation only kicks in when she starts teaching. She is not in the union until she starts teaching. Roger and Larry used this student to get contacts in China, and now are leaving her out in the cold. They must post the positions in the paper, etc.
- New Faculty Orientation, Wednesday August 29, the 1:00-2:00, 939 the Loft. Please come, send Jackson an e-mail.
- Diane Richards is leaving and we need to replace her. Nominations were made, we will continue to solicit names, please send to Jackson.
- BAFT Fund – we should bring more people in to discuss other options, other than Wells Fargo. Fidelity etc., does anyone have ideas or contacts? Please send to Jackson. Jeff will reach out to First Trade Union to see what they can do, safely.