Union notes from Union / Management Meeting

Present – Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Peter Cokkinias, Marti Epstein, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Stephanie Reich, Wendy Rolfe, David Scott, Jackson Schultz, Will Silvio, Tom Stein, and Jeri Sykes. 

Management – Larry Simpson, Darla Hanley, Ron Savage, Camille Colatosti, Joe Bennett

1. Jackson opened the meeting. Larry and others are here to discuss the most recent article in the Boston Globe.

2. Larry discussed the Globe article – both the original article and a new one today. He opened up to the committee for discussions.

We are not dismissing the people that came forward. This is a very difficult topic to discuss and look at. This is very embarrassing for the college, timing is unusual – it’s been some time – but with events of late it’s on everyone’s mind, also – one a recent event was not mentioned, will there be another shoe to drop?

Berklee from 1945 to 2000 has had issues with women and race – you cannot deny the past – we have to own the history. There is a problem and we have to fix. Berklee has attempted to move fast to remove these faculty members from the classroom. Most recent issue, heard one day, out of class the next and no longer at the institution. We have a no tolerance policy in regards to this topic.

What about an independent vehicle for investigation? such as ombuds position? We need to have a clear, transparent, and fair process for investigating allegations. This will protect both parties, accused and accuser.

Berklee understands the fear of coming forward.

We discussed the Galindo situation. Berklee is not writing reference letters for any terminated faculty. In this case, Berklee sent the file over with details of his termination and NEC hired him anyway.

Roger has been out front with a letter dealing with the article. Could the Union come out publicly and write a letter to get more info out to faculty about the community standards that we expect at this institution. And perhaps a letter to the editor of the Globe.

How can we do better internally and how can we do it together?

The right to privacy leads to outcomes that can be obscured in that results may not be know to protect the accusers. The other side is we do not want the vile inappropriate evidence out in the public.

We can bring the people that are involved in the process to the EC and we will do so ASAP.