Minutes from Union Executive Committee Meeting

Present – Michael Abraham, Prince Charles Alexander, Dennis Cecere, Epstein, Danny Harrington, Margaret McAllister, Jeff Perry, Stephanie Reich, Wendy Rolfe, Jackson Schultz, David Scott, Will Silvio and Jeri Sykes.

  1. Danny made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Marti seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.
  2. We discussed the by-laws. Marti made a motion to approve the revised Constitution and By-Laws, Dennis seconded and the vote was unanimous.
  3. We discussed the Steve Kirby situation – both the Canadian Steve Kirby and the current Steven Kirby – our esteemed colleague. There will be an article coming out about the concept of mistaken identity in the Globe shortly.
  4. The student rally was discussed at length. The students did not hold back.
  5. Jackson is working on setting up a meeting with the board of trustees. Roger has suggested we meet with the Executive Committee of the Board and that may be a better way to get the ball rolling. We all agreed this is a good idea.
  6. Can we build on the faculty energy and unify with a positive statement? Perhaps a way to keep things moving forward. We did send out a positive letter last week and it erupted into an e-mail blizzard. We discussed the idea of creating a forum for faculty to discuss ideas that are pertinent to them.
  7. The ratification meeting tonight was discussed. We discussed creating an activist team and having people sign up tonight.
  8. The concept of a 10-minute meeting outside of department meetings was discussed to engage faculty on topics that are important to them, just to quickly go over things.
  9. We discussed the concept of getting more faculty reps and other faculty to learn the contract – perhaps a session at BTOT.