Minutes from Union Executive Meeting 4-16-2020

Meeting: Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee
Date: April 16, 2020 at 1:00p, via teleconference
InAttendance: WillSilvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, WendyRolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Peg Codding, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Denise Pons-Leone, Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris, Mike Scott

Call to order 1:02p.

1. Minutes

MOTION: “To approve minutes of Union Executive Committee meeting on April 9, 2020.” (EPSTEIN)


VOTE: unanimous approval, motion carries

2. College letter to faculty

SILVIO discussed ambiguity and potential concerns regarding College letter to faculty (“Addressing the Impacts of COVID-19,” April 13, 2020). A meeting with SILVIO and Provost is being scheduled. Discussed followed, including concerns regarding potential promotion freezes, reduced workload, course enrollment thresholds, part-time conversions to full-time status, salary equity adjustments, and annual raises.

Meeting adjourned 1:54p.