Minutes from Union Executive Meeting 4-9-2020

Meeting: Berklee Faculty Union Executive Committee
Date: April 9, 2020 at 1:00p, via teleconference
InAttendance: Will Silvio, David Scott, Andrew Shryock, Elizabeth Seitz, Wendy Rolfe, Prince Charles Alexander, Michael Abraham, Dennis Cecere, Marti Epstein, Paul Masters, Utar Artun, Michael Johnson, Stephanie Reich, Nicholas Urie, Vanessa Morris, Michael Scott

Call to order 1:01p.

1. Minutes

MOTION: β€œTo approve minutes of Union Executive Committee meeting on April 2, 2020.” (REICH)


VOTE: unanimous approval, motion carries

2. PT pay training

SILVIO summarized two hours max for 1-on-1 personal training, beyond the training sessions already offered by the College. PT were paid for supplemental department meetings.

3. Summer teaching

Discussion of summer teaching circumstances, with emphasis on faculty who have lost classes.

4. Equity Office Investigations

SILVIO summarized faculty investigations prompted by anonymous emails. Discussion followed.

Meeting adjourned 1:48p.