Still got nothin'...
/The union met with management Monday afternoon for another fruitless session.
Read MoreThe union met with management Monday afternoon for another fruitless session.
Read MoreThe national convention of the American Federation of Teachers was right here in Boston this year! To give the proceedings some flavor, members of the Berklee Faculty Union (AFT 4412) were engaged to provide music and entertainment for the attendees.
The main event of every day was a mass session which began with some songs to get everyone feeling good. Over three days, singers Andrea Cappozzoli, Nichelle Mungo, David Thorne Scott, and Tom Baskett performed alongside pianists Amy Bellamy, Tim Ray and Ana Petrova.
Then came the big welcome party to announce the new partnership between two powerful higher education unions, the AFT and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). For this, they wanted a band that would unite both organizations under one groove! So they called on the musical talents of BFU members Eric Byers (guitar and musical director), John Arcaro (piano), Austin McMahon (drums), Skip Smith (bass), Gail MacArthur (sax), Adrian Sicam (vocals), and Lydia Harrell (vocals). Overheard at the event: "I've never had so much fun at a union event before!"
On Monday, June 6, the Berklee Faculty Union met with Berklee management to begin negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement. The union team consisted of eight people; the management team numbered a robust twenty-two. The union team had dressed for a business meeting; management’s team appeared to be dressed for a softball game.
Read MoreAt Berklee and Boston Conservatory we are teachers, we are artists, we are scholars, we are mentors- but today is Labor Day and we remember that we are also workers.
Read MoreThey are saying that this is going to be the biggest incoming student class Berklee has ever had. We are lucky to have a bunch of new colleagues joining the faculty…
Read MoreOn a misty morning in April, 1986, we let out a roar that could be heard throughout the Back Bay. Then, we began to move, one hundred and fifty faculty and nearly a thousand students strong. Dampness chilled to the marrow, but determination kept us warm.
Read MoreSo many Berklee faculty members are rising to the challenge of on-line teaching and the challenge of teaching in person with 6 to 15 foot physical distancing. It has meant a lot of rethinking and reshaping our curriculum, more prep time, and creative problem solving.
Read MoreHappy fall! One of the great joys of working at Berklee is interacting with our colleagues. With this semester being remote, we aren't bumping into each other on the sidewalk or in the hall.
Read MoreLittle did we know last year the massive changes to come. But we have learned a few things.
Read MoreIn case you missed it, over the summer, Union members voted overwhelmingly to ratify an amendment to (and extension of) the collective bargaining agreement.
Read MoreAm I eligibile for state and federal unemployment assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic? How do I apply?
Read Moreby Composition Professor Francine Trester
Public Safety will be holding Armed Intruder Response training for all students, faculty, and staff in the Public Safety Roll Call Room (155 Mass. Ave. Lower Level) from 1-1:45pm on the following dates:
Tuesday Nov 19
Thursday, Nov 21
Monday, Dec 2
Wednesday, Dec 4
To register please email Space is limited.
Do you know what constitutes a grievance at work? Do you know what to do if you think you have a grievance?
Find out in the new video from the Berklee Faculty Union.
Read MoreWhat is the law regarding work created by college teachers?
The union has created two short animated videos to help you understand the legal issues.
Read MoreLast Monday was the Greater Boston Labor Council (GBLC) annual Labor Day Breakfast. The GBLC is an organization that brings together different unions from across the Boston area to support each other. It is made up of teachers, nurses, carpenters, electricians, service workers…
Read MorePhoto by Marcus Wöckel from Pexels
Today marks the start of a new term for officers, representatives, and councilors of the Berklee Faculty Union. In addition to familiar faces, the Union Executive Committee welcomes new individuals: Utar Artun, Alicia Bower, Michael Johnson, and Paul Masters. Other members will take on new duties and responsibilities, including incoming President Will Silvio, who brings nearly two decades of Union experience to his new position.
Sincere and many thanks are due to those whose term recently ended. As President, Jackson Schultz led the Union for eight years. Tirelessly, he defended faculty and faculty rights while also overseeing the integration of Conservatory faculty. Executive Vice President Danny Harrington enhanced every Union activity with wisdom born of experience. His unwavering attention to faculty morale will also be missed. Significantly, Jackson and Danny are both founding members of the Union. Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Perry’s attentiveness to detail and even-keeled demeanor ensured that the Union sailed smoothly for many years. We are also grateful for the many and varied contributions of Theater Division Representative Helen Lewis and Councilors Margaret McAllister, Tom Stein, and Jeri Sykes.
And to all Berklee faculty, we send every best wish for a pleasant and productive semester!
We're the Berklee Faculty Union, established in 1986, a chapter of the American Federation of Teachers, Local 4412, AFT-MA, AFL-CIO.
When a person becomes a faculty member at Berklee College of Music they can choose their level of membership within the Union.
For the Berklee faculty, our union is imperative. Through our collective efforts, we’ve lowered our classroom hours, assured our pay is acceptable, and protected our best interests in contract negotiations. We’re backed not only by each other, but by the resources and skills of the AFT.
Without our union, we’d go backwards. Let’s keep going forward.
Berklee Faculty Union
MS1140 AFT - Massachusetts
1140 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02215-3693(617)
(617) 747-8206
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